Ahh, Rogue Adjacent. The first big project I ever worked on
It's honestly sort of impressive, considering I had just learned to code around a few months prior to starting it. Its a rogue-like (or at least its rogue adjacent)
and it features randomly generated levels, a (half implemented) limb based combat system, inventory, a map, different levels, different enemies, dialogue box.
I'm actually impressed every time I look back at what I made. I did manage to squeeze quite a bit into the little project, despite not having any idea of what I was actually doing.
Doesn't help that Python is NOT the language to make a game like this in, as I have since realized.
Unfortunately, what I display in the gif is most of the gameplay. I can't really include more screenshots, its played in a console, lol.
Honestly this could go under the "small projects" category, but it has such an important place in my heart I decided to put it in its own page. I also did make some artwork for it, so heres that. Its of the "fiend" enemy.
If you would like to try out the last version, you can download it here. Press f and type help to see all the commands. Its also recognized by every antivirus known to man as a trojan, so running it is somewhat difficult haha.